Monitoring architecture
Grupo Argos is committed to strengthening and constantly improving its internal control systems.

External Control Architecture
Statutory Auditor
Grupo Argos has a Statutory Auditor which is in charge of the firm KPMG S.A.S, who fulfills the functions set forth in the Commercial Code and is subject to what is provided therein, with no disregard to the provisions of other regulations and by the Shareholders Assembly, as long as it is compatible with its legal obligations.
The Statutory Auditor’s report to the Assembly of Shareholders includes, in addition to the requirements inferred by law, the declaration of being an independent firm and the relevant findings made so that the Shareholders and other Investors have the necessary information to make decisions about the corresponding values.
Neither the Statutory Auditor, nor the natural persons or companies related to this, perform or provide services different from those of their position neither for Grupo Argos nor for any of its subsidiaries.
The fees for the tax audit service of Grupo Argos S.A. During 2024 it represented 0.2% of KPMG’s total income related to its tax audit activity for the same year.
Colombian Superintendence of Finance
Grupo Argos is subject to the exclusive audit of the Colombian Superintendence of Finance. The Superintendence auditing is carried out over the exercise of the activity of issuance and over those aspects or circumstances that may impact the development of such activity.