Cementos Argos
With Cementos Argos we build dreams that boost development and transform lives.
Learn moreWe have a transversal Climate Change strategy with actions to mitigate and offset the carbon footprint of the Business Group and to promote actions to adapt our businesses to the effects of climate change.
Grupo Argos plays an active role in defining the sustainability vision of its investments, for which it has a Corporate Sustainability Strategy that sets the Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance goals of the Business Group and is fed by a broad perspective and based on the trends of each industry in which Cementos Argos, Celsia and Odinsa participate.
Grupo Argos’ sustainability strategy is based on three principles: conscious investment, responsible operation and cutting-edge practices. This tripartite vision is aligned and integrated with our environmental, social and corporate governance performance, in order to generate value for our shareholders, for society and for the environment.
The management of the sustainability strategy has a governance scheme that guarantees alignment thanks to the participation of our executives in the boards of directors and sustainability committees of the companies.
At Grupo Empresarial Argos we have deployed great efforts on different fronts to combat the impacts of climate change. By 2030 we will reduce the intensity of our CO2e emissions by 46%.
We have a transversal Climate Change strategy, designed and led by Grupo Argos with actions to mitigate and offset the consolidated carbon footprint of the Business Group and to adapt our businesses to the effects that climate change brings. The foregoing, with the aim of promoting the transition towards carbon neutrality in our businesses by 2050. Our goals will be achieved through five CO2e emission reduction levers:
Planted voluntarily during the last 8 years.
In our role as an active strategic architect, at Grupo Argos we lead the structuring of the general strategy of the Business Group to set mitigation goals for 2030, defining a reduction in the intensity of its CO2 emissions by 46%, baseline 2018, and 37% reduction in its absolute CO2e emissions, compared to 2015.
tCO2e reduced in the last seven years.
credits or certified carbon bonds for offsetting CO2e emissions.
With the voluntary planting of 10 million trees, our Business Group consolidates itself as the private sector company that has contributed the most to reforestation in Colombia, helping to capture more than 13 million tons of C02e from the atmosphere in the last five years. . At the end of 2021, this figure will rise to 12 million.
trees of native species planted in the last six years.
certified carbon credits or bonuses for offsetting CO2e emissions.
In Grupo Argos we seek to manage in an integral way the risks and opportunities derived from climate change, in order to strengthen the ability to adapt and with it the resilience of our business.