Ricardo Jaramillo

Patrimonial member of the Board of Directors appointed since April 1, 2024.

Committee to which he belongs:

  • Sustainability and Corporate Governance Committee.


  • Civil Engineer, Escuela de Ingeniería de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia.
  • MBA - Concentration in Finance, Boston University Graduate School of Management, Boston, USA.
  • General Management Program, Chicago University Booth School of Business, Chicago, USA.
  • Leading Professional Services Firms, Harvard Business School, Boston, USA.
  • CFO Executive Program, Chicago University Booth School of Business, Chicago, USA.

Professional background:

  • Current job: President of Grupo de Inversiones Suramericana S.A.
  • Previous job: Vice President of Business Development and Finance of Grupo de Inversiones Suramericana S.A.


  • Risk.
  • Internal control.
  • Corporative finance.
  • Commercial affairs.
  • Crisis management.
  • Sustainability.
  • International.
  • Talent.

Boards of directors members:

  • Suramericana S.A.
  • Sura Asset Management S.A.
  • Arus S.A.
  • Arus Holding S.A.S.
  • Sura Ventures S.A. (Panama).
  • Bancolombia S.A.
No member of the Board of Directors has the status of Politically Exposed Person in accordance with the definition of Decree 1674 of 2016.