Jorge Uribe

Independent member of the Board of Directors appointed since April 1, 2015.

Committee to which he belongs:

  • Talent and Compensation Committee.


  • Administrative Engineer, Nacional University, Medellín, Colombia.
  • MBA, Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH, USA.

Professional background:

  • Current job: Independent Consultant.
  • Previous job: Director of Global Productivity and Organizational Transformation at P&G.


  • Risk.
  • Corporative finance.
  • Commercial affairs.
  • Crisis management.
  • Sustainability.
  • International.
  • Talent.

Boards of Directors Members:

  • Carvajal S.A.
  • Ingredion Inc.
  • General Mills Inc.
No member of the Board of Directors has the status of Politically Exposed Person in accordance with the definition of Decree 1674 of 2016.