Jorge Mario Velásquez
President Grupo Argos S.A.
Jorge Mario Velásquez Jaramillo was born in Bogotá on June 7, 1960. He graduated as a Civil Engineer from the Escuela de Ingeniería de Antioquia and completed a specialization with an emphasis on the Cement Industry in England. He participated in the CEO's Management Program at Kellogg School of Management and in the Supply Chain Strategies program at Stanford University. Additionally, he is a graduate of the High Government program at the School of Government of the Universidad de los Andes.
Since April 2016, he has served as President of Grupo Argos. Before taking on this role, he had a distinguished career as President of Cementos Argos.
He began his career at Argos in 1986 as an intern and has held various positions in Cementos Argos in the past, including the Vice Presidency of Logistics at Argos, the General Management of Cementos del Nare, the Presidency of Cementos Paz del Río, and the Regional Vice Presidency for the Caribbean, with responsibilities over Cementos Argos operations in Panama, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Suriname, and island territories, as well as the company's international trade.
During 2024, he was part of the boards of directors of Cementos Argos S.A., Celsia S.A., Odinsa S.A., Summit Materials Inc., Grupo de Inversiones Suramericana S.A., Fundación Grupo Argos, Proantioquia, and the Superior Council of Universidad EIA.