Claudia Betancourt

Patrimonial member of the Board of Directors appointed since April 16, 2018.

Committee to which she belongs:

  • Sustainability and Corporate Governance Committee.


  • Economist, Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario, Bogotá, Colombia.

Professional background:

  • Current job: General Director at Amalfi S.A.S.
  • Previous job: Risks vice-president at Corporación Financiera del Valle S.A.


  • Risk.
  • Internal control.
  • Corporative finance.
  • Crisis management.
  • Sustainability.

Boards of Directors Members:

  • Gases de Occidente S.A.
  • Promigas S.A.
  • Contecar S.A. (suplente).
  • Sociedad Portuaria de Cartagena S.A. (suplente).
  • Cartagena II S.A. (suplente).
  • Palmar de Altamira S.A.S.
No member of the Board of Directors has the status of Politically Exposed Person in accordance with the definition of Decree 1674 of 2016.