
Verde Vivo, the environmental education program of Grupo Argos Foundation, reached over 90,000 students and 3,500 teachers on its tenth anniversary

6 August 2024
  • To date, more than 350 educational institutions in 38 municipalities in Colombia are part of this initiative, which aims to encourage children and young people to learn about the biodiversity of their environment, as well as the threats and opportunities for its care.
  • Collectively, 90,556 students and 3,573 teachers are part of this knowledge network, which develops complementary projects such as the construction of community nurseries, school gardens, water and biodiversity monitoring activities, and solid waste management actions.
  • This environmental education program also features a platform with exclusive content that serves as a resource for teachers across the country. Its methodology is further supported by online conferences with national and international experts.
  • Over this decade of work, Grupo Empresarial Argos has invested more than COP 9.5 billion in environmental education initiatives through its Foundation.

With more than 350 rural schools in 84 municipalities across 13 departments in Colombia and a network of over 90,000 students and 3,500 teachers, Grupo Argos Foundation celebrates the tenth anniversary of Verde Vivo, its environmental education program. This initiative was born with the aim of strengthening the capacities of the communities where Grupo Empresarial Argos operates, contributing to Goal 13 of the Sustainable Development Goals by training communities in the country to take climate action and work together to raise awareness about the care of natural resources.

The network of teachers and students of Verde Vivo is a valuable platform to foster in children and young people the level of environmental awareness that Colombia needs. Our goal for 2030 is to involve 600 educational institutions and influence environmental processes in their communities to continue transforming territories and ensuring a better future for new generations.

Maria Camila Villegas
Executive Director Grupo Argos Foundation

During its first decade, Verde Vivo has driven the development of 334 School Environmental Projects (PRAE), enabling the implementation of 350 environmental solutions formulated by educational communities. The goal is to raise awareness among children and young people in the country about the importance of preserving and caring for natural resources and how they can replicate this awareness in their family environments and communities. To achieve this, the initiative developed a platform with exclusive content that serves as a resource for teachers throughout the country, further supported by online conferences with national and international experts.

The program works with partners such as the Institute for the Development of Antioquia (IDEA), Portafolio Verde, Animal Bank, Corporación Manantial, and Serena del Mar.

Verde Vivo and tangible impacts on communities through environmental education

Last year, Grupo Argos Foundation conducted a study with a group of social professionals to assess the program’s impact on educational institutions within the program. It was found that 92.5% of participants are motivated to work on topics such as water conservation, waste management, nursery and garden planting, animal care, and other environmentally friendly actions.

Additionally, 89.6% are willing to instruct others on topics like noise reduction, waste separation, trail construction, cultivation of medicinal plants, and organic fertilizer production. Finally, 91% of participants stated that their participation in environmental education processes has improved their relationship with the environment.