
The common stock of Grupo Argos surpassed COP 17,000, recovering the price levels prior to 2020

4 July 2024
  • So far this year, the shares of Grupo Argos have increased in value by 38% for common stock and 41% for preferred stock. In the case of Cementos Argos, the increase in common stock at the end of the first half of the year amounted to 37%. Meanwhile, the price of Celsia’s shares registered an increase of 40%.
  • Consolidated, the value of the shares of Grupo Argos, Cementos Argos, and Celsia, companies listed on the Colombian Stock Exchange, increased by COP 8 trillion during the first half of 2024.
  • This result is due to the positive operational results of the companies within Grupo Empresarial Argos, the execution of the stock buyback programs announced by the organization to unlock value for its shareholders, including the buyback plan valued at more than COP 1 trillion.
  • Grupo Argos and its companies remain focused on continuing to strengthen the generation of integral value for their shareholders and all stakeholders through strategic transactions, which resulted in a net profit of more than COP 6.5 trillion during the first quarter of 2024.

The solid financial results, the materialization of strategic transactions, and other value-revealing measures implemented by Grupo Argos have allowed the market capitalization of the listed companies within Grupo Empresarial Argos to double over the past 12 months.

Among the actions announced by Grupo Argos to continue unlocking value for its shareholders are the stock buyback plans approved by the Shareholders’ Meetings of Grupo Argos, Cementos Argos, and Celsia for a consolidated value of up to COP 1 trillion, of which more than COP 414 billion have already been executed. This strategy, besides providing greater dynamism and liquidity to the Colombian market, as the companies buy their own shares at current market values, increases the participation of each shareholder who maintains their investment.

In the case of Grupo Argos, the total amount executed in the buyback program reaches 32%, with more than 13 million shares and an investment of over COP 160 billion. Meanwhile, during the semester, the Shareholders’ Meeting of Cementos Argos approved an increase of COP 375 billion to its COP 125 billion buyback program launched in 2023, for a total of COP 500 billion.

Grupo Empresarial Argos continues to advance in strategies to unlock value for its shareholders.