Grupo Argos Foundation • Sustainability
On World Oceans Day, Grupo Argos Foundation announces the planting of 100,000 mangrove seedlings in Atlántico, Bolívar, and Sucre for the conservation of marine ecosystems
7 June 2024- These plantings will take place between June and October of this year.
- Collectively, Grupo Argos Foundation has planted more than 850,000 mangrove seedlings in these ecosystems of the Colombian Caribbean over the past five years.
- Grupo Argos Foundation has also led projects to promote the conservation of coral ecosystems in the department of Bolívar and, through its corporate volunteer program, has carried out beach improvement and cleaning activities.
- June 8th is celebrated as World Oceans Day, a commemoration that emphasizes the commitment to care for marine ecosystems and their biodiversity. This year, it aims to highlight the importance of oceans in the social and economic survival of the planet.
In line with its mission to contribute to the conservation and restoration of strategic ecosystems in Colombia, Grupo Argos Foundation has led a massive mangrove seedling planting program in the departments of Atlántico, Bolívar, and Sucre over the past five years. As part of this effort and in commemoration of World Oceans Day, Grupo Argos Foundation announces the planting of an additional 100,000 seedlings this year in the Ciénaga de Mallorquín in the Atlántico department, Barú in Bolívar, and Bocacerrada and Rincón del Mar in Sucre.
To date, more than 850,000 seedlings have been voluntarily planted, restoring over 190 hectares of mangroves, a vital ecosystem for the health of the oceans and the protection of marine biodiversity.

“At Grupo Argos Foundation, we are driven by the purpose of caring for water from its source in the high mountains to its mouth in the sea. This is why we work hand in hand with coastal communities to understand their relationship with the sea and propose programs and initiatives that allow us to conserve the marine ecosystem and improve their quality of life.”
María Camila Villegas
Executive Director of the Grupo Argos Foundation
Between 2020 and 2024, the Foundation has invested over COP 2,992 million in the restoration and conservation of the mangrove ecosystem in the Colombian Caribbean. As part of this process, it has also developed two community nurseries in Atlántico and Bolívar, currently generating 234 jobs for coastal communities, who have found an opportunity for growth and economic development in environmental care.
Additionally, in 2023, Grupo Argos Foundation partnered with Agenda del Mar to promote cultural activities focused on the care of coral reefs in the Corales del Rosario and San Bernardo National Natural Park. This collaboration aims to contribute to their preservation through activities such as locating and marking colonies, assisted fertilization, and education and awareness initiatives for the care of marine ecosystems.
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