Creamos Valor Social • Equity and diversity

An alliance for women's and youth employment will connect more than 3,000 people with job opportunities

15 August 2024
  • Comfama, Proantioquia, Grupo Argos, La AlcaldĂ­a de MedellĂ­n, and La GobernaciĂłn de Antioquia have joined forces to revitalize this program, with the goal of connecting women and young people with job opportunities in emerging and high-potential sectors in the region. The Alliance is supported by other organizations committed to mitigating the effects of unemployment, such as the BolĂ­var Davivienda Foundation, Bancolombia Foundation, Fraternidad Foundation, SofĂ­a PĂ©rez de Soto Foundation, and Grupo Argos Foundation.
  • In its first edition in 2021, the program connected more than 6,800 people with the labor market. In this second edition, a new financial scheme will be implemented that strengthens and makes it self-sustaining, thanks to a results-based payment model that will link efforts from both the public and private sectors.
  • In addition to the employability pathway, the Alliance seeks to develop social and emotional skills and competencies to ensure the retention of women and young people in their new jobs, while also providing companies with support to retain talent and strengthen their brands.

On Thursday, August 15, a new public-private alliance for women’s and youth employment was signed. This is a union of wills that combines expertise and purpose, aiming to connect more than 3,000 people with job opportunities in markets that, according to the economic prospecting study Antioquia Emergente, will continue to grow in the coming decades: tourism, digital and creative industries, hospitality, agribusiness, and customer service.

According to DANE figures, out of every 100 men, 70 are employed or participate in the labor market, while out of every 100 women, only 50 work or seek employment. On the other hand, the youth unemployment rate stood at 17.9% in the first quarter of this year (0.2 percentage points higher than last year).

“We are going to do this together because there is trust. Whether it’s from the public or productive sectors, when the sole purpose is to work for society, this happens. For me, this is a very important symbol of what the country and the region needs today, which should generate hope, and that is that we are working together, and together we are solving social problems, such as the lack of employment,” said the Mayor of Medellín, Federico Gutiérrez Zuluaga.

“This is an innovative intervention, not only because it focuses on high-value jobs but because it also aims to address a structural employment issue. Let this be an opportunity to invite more private companies to join the alliance. This is a way to work for the department, in a difficult context, for the city. Many people say they want to be involved, they want things to go well for us, and this is a clear and straightforward path to do so,” said the Governor of Antioquia, Andrés Julián Rendón.

The goal: Strengthening Antioquia’s economic development

The Alliance aims to contribute to the region’s economic growth while also helping women and young people achieve their goals. Meanwhile, companies can be part of an accompaniment route that will ensure that the new talents joining their teams meet labor needs, have a support system to face new challenges, and remain in the market.

“We want companies to open their doors to us. Investors are essential because they make this sustainable. This cannot just be a show of goodwill and then we leave, because employment must continue. This alliance is nothing but good. What’s coming is work with hope and many opportunities for everyone,” said Lucas Yepes Bernal, head of companies at Comfama.

This program was born in 2021 to address the critical employment situation created by the effects of the pandemic. At that time, more than 20 Antioquian companies, including Grupo Argos, Proantioquia, and Comfama, came together to act collectively, chart paths of opportunity, and contribute to overcoming biases in hiring processes, as well as provide support for labor connection and retention. In addition to the companies that contributed resources to sustain the program, 280 more joined with job vacancies, and more than 1,000 people received scholarships to pursue diplomas, specialized courses, and labor techniques aligned with industry needs.

“At Proantioquia, we are convinced that the private sector cannot do this alone, nor can the public sector. Given the magnitude of the challenges, only through the articulation of all actors can we work on solutions. The first differentiator of this alliance is the union of the public sector, and the second is that we want it to be 100% sustainable,” stated Proantioquia’s Executive President, MarĂ­a Bibiana Botero Carrera.

The main beneficiaries

This program will allow women over 18 years old and men between 18 and 28 years old to access new job opportunities in market niches with projected growth in the department. According to Antioquia Emergente (a study led by Breakthrough with the support of Comfama, Eafit, and Proantioquia), two market realities coexist in the region, which enhance each other. One is a creative and innovative MedellĂ­n, positioning itself as one of the global capitals of talent, culture, and technology; and on the other hand, a productive and sustainable Antioquia, highlighted by industrial and agribusiness organizations that compete in high-value niche exports.

“We are very proud to announce the second phase of the Alliance for Women’s and Youth Employment, a public-private collaboration that reflects our commitment to economic and social development, reaffirming a business vision that we have maintained for 90 years with the utmost conviction of growing hand in hand with Antioquian society. We invite more companies to join this initiative,” added Jorge Mario Velásquez, President of Grupo Argos.

For this new edition of the program, an innovative financial model is proposed that integrates the efforts of the public and private sectors under a results-based payment scheme, a modality that promotes the efficient and effective use of resources while making the program sustainable over time.

The alliance will be developed in two phases, extending until 2025. This year, the employability route will be carried out, where participants, in addition to connecting with job opportunities, will enter a process of support that includes training, mentoring, testing, and tools to strengthen social-emotional skills for work. Then, in 2025, a route will open to create talent development and business transformation capacities, including a strategy for labor retention and support for companies.

How to participate?

Interested individuals must complete this form:

Companies wishing to join can also do so through this link: